Posts Tagged ‘as seen on TV’


CBS Channel 7 News Stopped by Patty’s Cakes

at 3:34 PM by

October 14th was National Dessert day, coincidentally the same day we ran our $2 Dollar Tuesday special. CBS quickly received wind of our deliciousness and sent a cameraman to find out what was going on. He arrived to a standing room only showroom with a line just about out the door. He started rolling tape immediately. He couldn’t believe the buzz and all the happy customers. So enthralled by the excited the cameraman picked up a cupcake for himself. How could you not?!

CBS News Channel 2 at Pattys Cakes CBS-news-channel-2-at-pattys-cakes CBS-news-channel-2-at-pattys-cakes-2 CBS-news-channel-2-at-pattys-cakes-3 CBS-news-channel-2-at-pattys-cakes-icing cupcake CBS-news-channel-2-cupcakes