Dessert Calculator

We are all about simple and delicious. This dessert calculator will help you make planning your dessert selections even easier.

When completed, you may place in the store or online.


  1. Drag the slider for each dessert item to the quantity desired.
  2. Select additional items needed.
  3. Click the box to show the estimated total.
  4. View your total.
  5. Adjust all options until you reach your desired quantities and budget.


Vegan/Gluten-Free Cupcakes
Individual Boxes for Large Cupcakes
Mini Cupcakes
(Sold by the dozen)
Vegan/Gluten-Free Mini Cupcakes
(Sold by the dozen)
Cake Balls
Mini Cookies
Mini Brownies
(Sold by in groups of 4)
Softserve Ice Cream To Go View
Total items:
Display Cake:
Soft Serve Delivery

Soft Serve delivery requires a disposble cooler and dry ice. Starts at $45

Stand Rental

$35 - Optional, based on availability


Average price $35. Optional and based on schedule availability. Not available for all types of events.


Average price - $45 - Optional, requires delivery.

Estimate Total
Click to show the estimated total. This is an estimate, your final price may vary.


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