Posts Tagged ‘Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’


Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business of the Year

at 3:36 PM by

Last night, nearly 200 members of Fullerton’s business community gathered at the Summit House Restaurant for the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’s annual Presidents’ Business Achievement Awards dinner. With great excitement, Patty’s Cakes and Desserts was officially presented with the 2015 Small Business of the Year Award. Much to our delight, we also received recognition from the Mayor, and representatives from our Congressman, State Senators, State Assemblywomen, Orange County Supervisor, and State Board of Equalization.

For a business with humble home beginnings to receive such gracious accolades is an accomplishment for us beyond words.  We are grateful for the customers that have been with us since the beginning, and those that have supported us along the way. Additionally, Patty’s Cakes would not exist without our fantastic staff that has allowed us to grow into the business we are today, and are so thankful for their dedication. Finally, thank YOU. We are delighted to share this recognition with all of you.


Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 Small Business of the Year

Greg Sebourn fullerton mayor with pattys cakes

Patty's Cakes and Desserts Staff

Patty's Cakes and Desserts 2015 Small Business of the Year

Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 Small Business of the Year

Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 Small Business of the Year

Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 Small Business of the Year

[Review] The Miss Fullerton & Fullerton’s Outstanding Teen program loves Patty’s cupcakes and cake balls

Kathi H. - Placentia, CA - 5 Star rating via Yelp

Pattys Cakes is amazing.  Our program was introduced to Patty’s Cakes at a Chamber Mixer and we have visited them every week.  The Miss Fullerton & Fullerton’s Outstanding Teen program loves Patty’s cupcakes and cake balls.  Every flavor is incredibly good, moist and make with a lot of attenton to details.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!!